The entire series of TSI training seasons can be found on YouTube ™ here. Each of the following videos is just the first week recap for the listed season.
For much of the development work it is best to begin with season one which starts off by setting up critical resources: GetHub, GetHub Desktop, VS Code (Visual Studio code editor (freeware), A Vercel Account (for hosting and other features – free option recommended to start). and a Stripe Payment system account.
TSI Season 4/week 1 – Full Stack Deployment.
This season is focused on CICD (Constant Integration Continuous Deployment). In this season you will learn how to intigrate diverse systems using tools originaly implemented in Season 1.
For this course you will need: Computer, GetHub Account, GetHub Desktop app, Stripe Account, A Vercel Account (free recomended to start), VS Code (installed on your computer) and NodeJS.
In this series you will be setting up a Postgres DataBase, linking your Stripe payment account, creating a registration page and posting to your Vercel web page. These are the objectives of week 1 and this is just the preliminary set up for the project development you will be deploying in this season.
Season 3/week 1 – Creating a CRM (Customer Relations Management) platform and an Education Courses (LRM) system using VTiger and Moodle.
In this season you will be creating a CRM and an education course builder for your website (from season 2) which can easily be integrated as plugins to your site.
This is a high value added season for any WordPress website however it is not necessary and only recomended if a quality CRM and/or Education Course facility is truly usefull to your business/project model. If you do choose to use this course some additional information will be provided as you will not have the development environemnt originally provided to participants in the original TSI study season.
Season 2/week 1 – Creating a WordPress website.
In this season you will learn how to create a high quality website using the Divi theam builder. As the the original participants were given free hosting on the TSI for the class, you will need to acquire a domain name and hosting from a hosting provider that includes cPanel and WordPress in your account. There are a number of site hosting services such as which can provide these for a small fee.
In this course you will need a computer or quality tablet with internet access.
This is high value learning for you. Even if you have no desire to become a Web Dev you will gain valuable insight into how a site actually works.
In this season you will not only learn site creation but also how to set up an online store, how to set up and link a Stripe and/or PayPal account so you can get paid and how you can migrate a site to any hosting you choose. In addition you will learn how you can use AI to simplify and organize your site development and a little about API and linking your site to other digital environments such as social media. For those who wisely choose to work with the AI Tutor/Pixio systems (from TSI) you will even learn how you can integrate your own chatbots/AI into your site.
This was TSI’s first foray into free, live courses on Twitter/X Spaces with streaming video. In these sessions TSI has partnered with I.T.T. (Innovators Think Tank) and these sessions continue weekly on Wednesday nights on Twitter/X.
Season 1/week 1 – Creating your first SaaS (Software as a Service)
In this season you will work with GetHub, GetHube Desktop, CS Code and NodeJS to create an application of your design. Quite literally creating code without having to write code. This is a game changer!
This series of videos walks you through setting up a GetHub account, installing GetHube Desktop, NodeJS and CS Code (editor) on your computer. You will also set up a Vercel account for hosting (free account is recomended to start with)
For this season you only need your computer and an internet access.
This video is the whole 6 week season in one go (early days a bit less coordinated in the video recaping). You can easily just record the time you stop and advance your next study session to that point to move forward.
It really is worth the extra effort as this season teaches you how to create apps (without coding) that can easily be deployed and earn money. The best part is that you can use AI Tutor (or another AI) to do almost all the work for you, even planning and designing the app!